Connect India Japan

Thank you for choosing Connect India Japan!(Indonihon Brand Consultancy Private Limited), We strive to provide excellent services, and we understand that occasionally you may need to cancel or seek a refund. Please read our cancellation and refund policy carefully.

*1. Cancellation Policy*

1.1 *Service Cancellation:* You may cancel your service with us at any time. To initiate a cancellation, please [contact us at [contact email/phone number]]. Cancellations are effective immediately upon request.

1.2 *No Returns of Paid Amount:* We do not offer returns for the paid amount for services already rendered or in the process of being delivered.

*2. Refund Policy*

2.1 *Refund Eligibility:* Refunds will only be considered under the following circumstances:

a. *Service Unavailability:* If we are unable to provide the agreed-upon service.

b. *Technical Issues:* In the case of technical issues that prevent the delivery of services.

2.2 *Refund Process:* To request a refund, please [contact us at [contact email/phone number]]. Refund requests must be made within [number] days of the issue arising.

2.3 *No Returns of Paid Amount:* Once services are rendered or in the process of being delivered, no returns of the paid amount will be processed.

*3. Contact Information*

3.1 For cancellations and refund requests, please contact us at:

  • Email-
  • Phone No- 0081-8058009414

*4. Changes to this Policy*

4.1 We reserve the right to update or modify this cancellation and refund policy at any time without prior notice. Changes will be effective immediately upon posting on our website.

By using our services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to this cancellation and refund policy
